Green Entrepreneurship Studies
Research/specialty field
Accounting, Management Accounting, Management Control
Graduated from the Kyoto University Faculty and Graduate School of Economics (PhD). Served at Ritsumeikan University, Kyushu University, then Professor at Kyoto University. Melco Foundation Director, Japan Cost Accounting Association Director.
Responsible program
Finance and Accounting Program
i-BA Program
Subject in charge
Management Accounting, and others.
The Japanese Style of Business Accounting, Quorum Books, 1999; Amoeba Management – Theory and Demonstration, KCCS Management Consulting, 2010; and others.
Knowledge of accounting is essential for understanding the entire picture of corporate activities, and an appropriate management accounting system is a necessary condition for controlling strategies and risks. By understanding the structures and functions of traditional large corporate organizations, lets deepen our understanding of new ways of thinking in topics of modern corporate management.
Jin-ichiro YAMADA
Jin-ichiro YAMADA
Research/specialty field
Entrepreneurship, Strategy, Organization Theory
Responsible program
Business Leadership Program
i-BA Program
KC-CDO Course
A Systematic Bibliometric Review of the Strategic Entrepreneurship Domain, Management Research Review 2021
The Role of Entrepreneurs’ Career Solidarity toward Innovation: An Irreplaceable Relationship in Career Capital Pyramid, the Routledge International Handbook of Innovation Education, 2013
Entrepreneurs’ Intentions and Partnership Towards Innovation: Evidence from the Japanese Film Industry, Creativity and Innovation Management 15(3), 2006
A multi-dimensional view of entrepreneurship: Towards a research agenda on organisation emergence, Journal of Management Development 23(4), 2004
Success and happy survival, particularly in turbulent and unpredictable environments, is driven by value and decisions anchored to management philosophy. Future of management identify people, purpose, and potential as drivers of entrepreneurship. Our lecture module offers practical suggestions in this domain.
GSM Distinguished Professor
GSM Distinguished Professor
Research/specialty field
Also known as a serial entrepreneur and innovator in the Japanese telecommunications industry, he specializes in launching new businesses and ventures.
B.S. (Electronics Engineering), Kyoto University. Ph.D.(Electronics Engineering), University of Florida, USA. After working for Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation (now NTT), he co-founded DDI Corporation (now KDDI) with Kyocera President Kazuo Inamori in 1984. In 1995, he became a professor at Keio University, Graduate School.
He later founded eAccess, a broadband venture, and eMobile (now Y! mobile), a broadband mobile company. He is a long-time Representative Director of both companies. Since 2015, he has been leading Green Revolution as Chairman of the Board of the environmental venture Renova Inc. He has served on the boards of several Silicon Valley excellence companies, including NetApp, and on the board of Reuters, the world's largest news agency. He has been a visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley and Carnegie Mellon University, and a visiting fellow at Stanford University.
He has been involved in the startup and business management of many ventures with his extensive entrepreneurial and management experience and broad global network. In addition, the following social activities have been undertake. The first is as president of the Semmoto Foundation, which provides scholarships to economically disadvantaged young people from Asia-Pacific countries for study and research at universities in Japan, with the aim of training them to become future leaders of their countries.
Next, he is also the president of the General Association for Walking with Children, which provides financial and emotional support for children who have been severely abused. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers of America, a Fellow of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan, a Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering, and a past Vice President of the Japan Venture Society.
“Seize your miraculous chance in a thousand now!” (Sunmark Publishing)
“The Revolution of Something Worth While”(Seisyun Publishing)
『「報われない努力」はない ―「絶対成功しない」と言われたときが、最大のチャンスである 』(ごま書房)
“The MBA style of starting a business”(PHP interface)
『会社をやめて会社をつくる ― 無理しない、赤字を出さない起業法』(光文社)
『ブロードバンド革命への道 ― DDI、イー・アクセスの挑戦』(経済界)
“Serial Entrepreneur -the Secrets of Dr. Sachio Semmoto’s Management Philosophy” (経済界)
“Wisdom for entrepreneurs to success”(生産性出版)
A life worth living, in my opinion, is one that sets creative goals and boldly takes risks and challenges. Such a life is 100 times more valuable than a life that chooses only stability and safety. I started from scratch and went through storms in a much smaller boat and turned it into a giant ship. I have been through many disasters and hardships. Because I have gone through such a process, I have advice that I can offer, and I would like to be of help to future young people who have dreams of supporting Japan in the future.
Adjunct Professor
Adjunct Professor
Research/specialty field
Strategy, Organization Theory, R&D management, and Entrepreneurial Behaviors
Graduated from the Faculty of Commerce, Hitotsubashi University in 1993, and a Ph.D. in Commerce from Hitotsubashi University in 1998. Associate Professor at the Center for Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University in 2002, and promoted to Full Professor at the Graduate School of Commerce and the Center for Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University in 2017. 2006-2007 Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Bryn Mawr College and Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Received the 14th Takamiya Prize from the Organization Studies Association of Japan in 1998, the 19th Takamiya Prize from the Organization Studies Association of Japan in 2003, and the 55th Nikkei-Keizai Book Culture Award ("Nikkei Keizai Tosho Bunka Sho") in 2012.
Related Links
Please refer to Researchmap(link below)
My research focuses on the process of innovation (challenge, failure, and learning) and institutionalization of deviant behaviors through resource mobilization and the process of establishing legitimacy by diverse individuals, groups, and firms, which link the "foolish" and "impossible" in advance and the taken-for-grandness afterward. I conduct my research by regarding environmental actions by companies not only as passive compliance with laws and regulations but also as a proactive process for reforming existing business models.
Adjunct Professor
Adjunct Professor
Research/specialty field
Managerial accounting,Sustainability management
School of Buisinness Administration, Kwansei Gakuin University Dropout(skipping agrade for admission to graduate school), Graduate School of Business Administration, Kwansei Gakuin University coursework completed without degree. Ph.D. (Commercial science). Osaka University prior to the current position. Full-time lecturer of Faculty of Commerce, Kyusyu Sangyo University prior to the current position.
Related Links
“Turning an ESG Agenda into Action through New Product Development: The Roles of Sustainability Management Control Systems in a Japanese Manufacturer”
(Co-authorship, 2023, Routledge,"Financial and Technological Innovation for Sustainability Environmental, Social and Governance Performance")
“Challenges to Implement Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) in Supply Chain Management : Through Case Study on a Buyer-Suppliers Workshop”
(Co-authorship, 2014, “The Japan Cost Accounting Association” 38-1、The Japan Cost Accounting Association Best Paper Award)
※ Please refer to Research map (link below) for the most recent research activities and results.
Compared to the days when reducing environmental impact was a topic for a sector within a company or a manufacturing industry in a part of society, the values of society today, where ESG investment is flourishing, seem to have changed considerably. I am conducting my research in the hope that we can curb climate change and make our society a safe place for our children and future generations.
Associate Professor
YANG, I-Chieh Michelle
Associate Professor
YANG, I-Chieh Michelle
Research/specialty field
Marketing, Consumer Culture, Tourism and Hospitality, Political Consumerism, Consumer Experience
Focus themes in this course
Sustainable Marketing: Theories & Practice
Dr I-Chieh Michelle Yang is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the Graduate School of Management. She graduated from Monash University with Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Honours) and Bachelor of Communications. She received her Ph.D. degree in Marketing from Monash University, Australia in 2020. Michelle served as a Lecturer in Monash University from 2020 to 2021 before joining Kyoto University. She has also taught Tourism Marketing at Akita International University as a Special Course Instructor.
Subject in charge
Sustainable Marketing: Theories & Practice
Kirillova, Ksenia & Yang, I-Chieh Michelle. (2022). “The Curse of Conceptual Research in Tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, 93, 103368
Yang, I-Chieh Michelle, Ismail, Aminath Shaba & French, Juliana. (2022). “’Travelling for Parenthood’: Unravelling the Sociological Shaping of Fertility Tourism Market”, Journal of Marketing Management, 38(5-6), pp. 515-543.
Yang, I-Chieh Michelle, French, Juliana, Lee, Lianne Mei Quin & Shrestha, Keshab Man (2021). “An Institutional Isomorphism Perspective of Tourism Impact”, Annals of Tourism Research, 86
Yang, I-Chieh Michelle, French, Juliana, Lee, Christina. & Watabe, Motoki (2020). “The Symbolism of Tourism in National Identity”, Annals of Tourism Research, 83, pp. 1-12.
Yang, I-Chieh Michelle (2020), “A Journey of Hope: An Institutional Perspective of Japanese Outbound Reproductive Tourism”, Current Issues in Tourism, 23(1), pp. 52-67.
Dr Yang’s research area lies in consumer culture in Asia, politicized consumption, sociology of markets, and tourism marketing. She is currently involved in research on the politicization of consumption in Asia and hospitality in healthcare context. Dr Yang’s works have been published in top-ranked journals, such as Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Marketing Management and Current Issues in Tourism.
Senior Lecturer
Alexandra Elena Carst
Senior Lecturer
Alexandra Elena Carst
Research/specialty field
Entrepreneurship, Strategy, Innovation Management
Dr. Alexandra Elena Carst is a Senior Lecturer in Green Entrepreneurship at the Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University. She graduated from the University of Southern Denmark with a Bachelor and Master’s degree in International Business and Chinese. Alexandra received her double-degree Ph.D. in Business and Management from Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark, and Innovation Management from Sino-Danish College (SDC), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. She continued as a Research Fellow at AAU and SDC before her current position at Kyoto University.
Carst, A.E. (2024). Complementors’ Interactions in the Wind Energy Ecosystem: Coopetitive Dynamics. Forthcoming in Industry and Innovation. Accepted in April 2024.
Carst, A.E. & Lv, P. (in press). How Complementors Deal with Complement Challenges: A Comparative Study of Ports in the Wind Energy Ecosystem. International Journal of Technology Management. Accepted in March 2023.
Carst, A.E. & Hu, Y. (2023). Complementors as Ecosystem Actors: A Systematic Review. Management Review Quarterly.
In today’s fast-paced world, users expect complex innovations, requiring collaboration among multiple, heterogenous actors with complementary resources. With added uncertainty and exploration of feasibility, green technologies demand an ecosystem perspective to leverage their potential for environmental protection. Thus, research on green entrepreneurship is timely and necessary, as is preparing future professionals to harness these technologies for sustainable development.